Online FREE Tuition CENTRE

SME Digitalization Grant

Apply now to get subsidize for your IT Digitalization projects

SME Digitalization Grant

The Government (MOF) will provide a 50% matching grant of up to RM5,000 per company! Limited to first 100,000 SMEs who is applying to digitalize their daily business operation. Total Grant worth RM500 millions.

First come first served! Hurry Up!

Eg. Char Kuey Teow stall can apply (sole proprietor/PLT/SDN BHD)

We are pleased to inform you that you can now only need to invest 5k, but you can get value worth 10k, kindly please contact us now, TODAY.


Definition of SME

Manufacturing: Annual sales turnover does not exceed RM 50 million or the number of full staff does not exceed 200 employees.

Worth RM 10,000
Dolphin Builders privileges [RM3k]
Facebook Basic Marketing Course [RM2.5k]
Facebook Marketing/e-Shop [RM2.5k]
Animation Poster + Photography/Landing Page [RM2k]
Worth RM 10,000
Dolphin Builders privileges [RM6k]
Facebook Basic Marketing Course [RM2.5k]
Cash Credit [RM1.5k] (Advertising or Subscription Fee) with below TERMS AND CONDITIONS.


  1. Applicants MUST advertise their product/business in DBE Online Platform or continuing subscribe as DBE user for a period of 3 months, OR
  2. Upon approval on cash credit RM1,500 to other digitalize related program such as Facebook Marketing Advertisement, E-Commerce Virtual Shop, Marketing Lead Capture Page, etc, through DBE.

Contact Us

Kindly please fill up the form below, and send us your enquiries now today.

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